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Knowing how to react to a crisis with poise and clarity of mind is an invaluable skill and the mark of a mature business. Mabuhay Enterprises provides Incident Response Consultation to help companies understand what they must do should the unexpected happen.

Of course, the right time to think about Incident Response is before the incident occurs.

Mabuhay Enterprises is proud to be able to help good companies plan ahead and be prepared for anything the future may bring.

Writing an Incident Response plan is essential to the long term success of your company, and Mabuhay is prepared to help you navigate this process. Some questions you may want answered before, and not during, your next incident may include:

  • "Who do I call in the police department?"

  • "Which agency should I call for this kind of thing?"

  • "How can I take an image without the person knowing I've touched their computer?"

  • "How do I let Human Resources, Corporate Legal, and possibly Law Enforcement look at these files in a secure manner without breaking the law?"

  • "When am I obligated to inform the Attorney General, Local Law Enforcement, and/or Federal Law Enforcement?"

  • "Am I going to be held personally accountable for this?"

Mabuhay can help you be prepared. With our help, you will be able to write an incident response plan before, and not during, your next incident.