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Obtaining your firearms license is not an endeavor that should be taken lightly. Before any of these steps are taken, you should first think hard about the responsibilities that go along with having this license.

For those who would like more information about having a firearms license in Massachusetts, we have created this page to make the process easier to navigate.

Here is a flow-chart detailing the exact steps you must take to be granted a firearms license in Massachusetts: http://www.goal.org/Documents/MA-License-Flow-Chart.pdf

It is important to understand that there are three different firearms licenses in Massachusetts. (NOTE: New legislation means that there are only TWO different firearms licenses in Massachusetts. We will update this page with more information.) For more information about the different licenses and what they allow you to do, please visit http://www.goal.org/masslawpages/licensestructure.html

To apply for a license, you must first show proof that you have taken a firearms safety course. As we address in our Firearms Safety section, we are certified to teach a course that would fulfill this requirement. However, if you have experience with firearms and see this course as just a requirement to check off the list, we recommend you take the class through a different organization. We prefer to gear our classes towards individuals who have never shot before or who want a full review of firearms safety. If the class is just another requirement to you, there are many other organizations that would be happy to have your business.

Finally, there are two points that should be made:

  1. Should you obtain your firearms license, keep in mind that in the event that you move your residence you must send three certified letters; one to the police department who issued your current license, one to the Police Chief of the town to which you are moving, and one to the Criminal History Systems Board. Failure to do send these letters within 30 days could result in your license being revoked. This can happen regardless of if you actually own any Firearms, Ammunition, Mace, or Pepper spray.

  2. Before you purchase a gun, make sure you have an anti-burglar safe in which to store it. A fire-safe is insufficient for a firearm.

Following is more information on the process.





