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Firearms Safety Training

We at Mabuhay take Firearms Safety very seriously. We teach numerous classes on gun safety and in all of them, we adhere to a set of Fundamental Rules which are always followed to ensure that there is a safe working environment in which individuals can learn and feel comfortable with the situations they are put in. The rules are as follows:

  1. No Surprises- In every class, you will see and hear the instructor preform every activity before you are asked to do them. Before you are handed a firearm, its controls will be explained to you. Before you shoot any firearm, you will see the instructor shoot it first. There will be no surprises. If you have questions about what you are being asked to do, ask the instructor.

  2. No Safety Violations- All safety rules will be followed at all times by both student and instructor alike. Rules for safe firearms handling will be followed at all times. Rules for range safety will be followed at the range.

  3. Class Discussions will be limited to Class Topics- Off topic discussions will be tabled and may be resumed outside of class. For example, this means that politics will not be discussed during class. These classes are about gun safety. No political topics will be raised by the professor, and any political discussions will be shifted to non-class time.

  4. Classes are for You- These classes are taught to help you gain a better understanding of gun safety. If you have any questions or concerns, please voice them.

Our instructors do not seek to be the "Strong Man" of the class. Oftentimes firearms instructors seem to be over-aggressive, but at Mabuhay we take extra care to make sure that each class is taught in an inclusive yet orderly manner. There will be no talk of politics. There will, however, be a respectful instructor ready to teach the course material in a clear and professional manner.

For Individuals Seeking a Gun License in Massachusetts

If you have come to this website to try to get your gun license, we are certified to teach the Basic Firearms Safety class however we do not recommend that you take it if you have had no prior experience with firearms. On the flip side, if you are trying to get your gun license and you have lots of experience with firearms and are planning on taking the class just to "fulfill the requirement" we respectfully suggest that you take the Basic Firearms Safety course from a different organization. There are less expensive places to teach the class, and at Mabuhay we also require more of you than other companies will. For example, before taking our Basic Firearms Safety class we require that you first take our First Steps Pistol class. If you feel uncomfortable with these requirements, we recommend you look elsewhere for this particular certification.

Having said all that, the courses that we currently offer are listed below.

1. NRA First Step Pistol Class: Minimum 4 hours, $125 per person.

This course is designed to introduce students to firearms safety. It contains a brief overview of the different types of firearms and covers a lot of safety information while focusing on one particular model of firearm. Along with classroom time, this course includes a trip to the shooting range where students will have the opportunity to use one or more firearms under direct, close, one-to-one supervision.

This class is a good fit for you if:

  • You have never held a gun before. In this course you will learn how to safely operate a firearm in a small group setting without the presence of live ammunition.

  • You have recently purchased a firearm. This course offers a good refresher in firearms safety, along with a review of your new firearm. You will receive a review of firearms safety and information specific to your new firearm.

In either case, this course will consist of classroom training which is conducted in the absence of live ammunition. This is then followed by a trip to the shooting range should the instructor deem all individuals to be sufficiently prepared. The class concludes with a trip back to the classroom where the instructor teaches how to properly clean each firearm. All classroom lessons are conducted without live ammunition. Live ammunition is not permitted inside the classroom.

For more information see the entry in the course catalog.

2. NRA Basic Pistol Class (LTC-002): Minimum 8 hours, $200 per person.

This class fulfils the requirement for applying for a firearms license in Massachusetts and is appropriate for individuals who are interested in learning firearms safety and also for individuals who are seeking a license to carry or FID card in Massachusetts.

Upon successful completion of this course you will receive:

  • Basic Pistol Class Course Materials

  • All of your Targets

  • Basic Practical Rocker Patch (upon completion of the shooting drill)

  • Certificate of Completion for the Massachusetts Basic Firearms Safety Course

For more information see the entry in the course catalog.

3. Individual Firearms Instruction: $150 per person per hour.

This is individualized instruction consisting of safety briefing and range time. This is customized for your individual needs.

Notes for all Firearms Courses:

  • "Prohibited" persons are not permitted to partake in any firearms course.

  • For all firearms courses, all potential students are required to provide a non-refundable deposit of $50 and written permission for Mabuhay Enterprises Inc. to perform a CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information) Check.

  • Safety violations during a class are cause for dismissal without refund.